This month, JMagLovers is collaborating with a blogger for the first time!
Blogger Sachiko introduces JMagLovers to her readers on her blog What's more, appertaining to JMagLoversXSacchan's collaboration, Sachiko has a gift for all her readers.

Here's a little sneak peak of what Sachiko has in store for her readers.
Want to know how you can enjoy this discounts? Check out her post here.

For updates and more promotions from JMagLovers, do follow us on our Facebook page.

shipping to S'pore


We've got a short announcement to make here:

JMagLovers is now shipping ViVi magazine to Singapore using CityLink as a mode of delivery. We have not updated our 'Shop' yet so for orders and delivery to Singapore, please email
Thank you^^

Lots of Love,

JMagLovers QR code


We've got our very own QR code linking to our site ^^

Save the QR code to your smartphones and access our site anytime, anywhere!
ps, like our facebook fan page to get updates of latest issues, promotions and more!!

We're on Facebook!


Hi girls! We've got a Facebook page:D Like our Facebook fan page to get updates on latest issues and future promotions!

Here's the sneak preview for this month's RAY Malaysia(English Edition)
Haven't got yourself one yet? Order one now from our shop. We accept pre-order for October issue too:D
Great news, gals! Both ViVi & Ray September issue is now available at major bookstores :D

For those who had pre-ordered these magazines, we will have them delivered by this Thursday or Friday. Orders made by the end of this week(by Saturday) will be delivered on Monday next week.